
Gladstone NDRRA (Stage 1 & 3)

Gladstone Regional Council engaged Golding to undertake Stage 1 and Stage 3 restoration works on parts of Gladstone Regional Council’s road and drainage infrastructure which were damaged by severe weather and flood events in 2010 and 2011. The works focused on arterial routes connecting Gladstone to areas such as the Discovery Coast.

The projects involve restoration works to more than 260 rural and urban roads located throughout the Gladstone region and include: 16,300m3 of road excavation; 453,300m of table drains; 3,500m3 of rock protection; 1,060,000m2 of subgrade treatment; 120,000m3 of unbound pavement; 39,000m2 of insitu stabilisation; 46,000m2 of two-coat bitumen seal; and 490t of asphalt.

The projects are part of the National Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) Program, a federally funded initiative to assist communities and state and local governments with recovery efforts.

Download project fact sheet